Learning disabilities can seriously halt the progress of a student and affect their future in a bad way unless a change is implemented. The children that usually struggle in school might potentially be struggling with a learning disability. As a parent, it’s our job to identify them as early as possible and get them the help they deserve so they too can fit in with the other students and function in our society. A learning disability is something that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible but do not worry as people with such a condition have gone on to achieve great things. All that’s required is determination and professional help. This guide details the most common learning disabilities out there to create awareness.
Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities that your child may encounter. It’s a condition that makes it difficult for your child to interpret words, letters and even numbers. They tend to mix up the spellings and structures of a word. It can be confusing and intimidating for a student with dyslexia to keep up their academics in a regular class room. Special attention needs to be given to their education so they can also learn without any problems. To identify if your child suffers from dyslexia, you need to make them take a dyslexia assessment test. Once identified, you can work on assisting them with their condition through professional help.
ADHD stands for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. It is a learning impediment that causes your child to be distracted easily and makes it difficult for them to focus in class. As a result, they fail to grasp important subjects and it acts as a hindrance to their education. It is important to identify if your child does indeed suffer from ADHD or their lack of attention is due to other factors. You can take a test at proper ADHD assessment Melbourne and make sure what kind of help your child needs. Then you can work on countering the problem with professional help.
Discalculia is a type of learning disability that is related to calculus and math. It’s the inability to process math concepts and solve problems. Math is an important subject to learn so this kind of disability can slow down your child’s growth in a big way. If your child struggles with math, then it’s a good idea to have them assessed for Discalculia and get them professional help so they can cope with their disability.In most cases, the sooner you identify the disabilities and get your child help, the sooner they can start dealing with their condition and work towards getting better.